There are times when staff are unable to complete their training courses in the designated time. If their training block has expired, or if they have not started, failed, or haven’t completed the training course then you’ll need to reschedule their learning path.
Please note, you can extend training links so when a training block expires, the link will remain active for learners to complete their training course. For more information on this feature, please see our Extend Training Links article.
The training area allows you to choose from our available course library to schedule courses for your staff. Please select the course you'd like to reschedule from your course library with the instructions below.
How to Reschedule a Training
1. Navigate to the Learning Paths tab on the left-hand side of your dashboard. Select New > Individual Course (A Training creation page will open under the timeline).
2. Provide a Name for the Training. (For example, Reschedule SCAM 101).
3. Select a training course from the course catalogue.
4. Checkmark the box 'Exclude learners who completed same course'. This will remove any learners who have already completed this course from the list below.
Alternatively, you can manually filter the learners by using the filters above the learner list.
Note: If a learner has a red dot next to their name, they are already scheduled for something in the system and are already using a license. Selecting them again will not use an additional license.
5. Select learners you would like to schedule the training course for. Click Schedule to advance to the next page.
6. Select the Start date, end date, and reminder dates and select Summary to advance to the next page.
Note: Reminder emails only go out to those who have not completed the training.
Optionally: Select the preview button to see how it fits in with your existing scheduled learning paths. Click
7. Check the details on the summary page. If everything looks okay, click Finish to reschedule the Training.
Explore Phriendly Phishing's award-winning course catalogue here!
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