When the staff leaves the organisation, you'll want to remove the individuals from the Phriendly Phishing portal. This ensures only active staff are utilising a Phriendly Phishing learner seat and you can free up licenses for new staff. By removing an individual from Phriendly Phishing it will also remove them from any learning paths.
Please note: This function should only be used if the zone has Learner Synchronisation DISABLED as any changes to the portal may be undone by Learner synchronisation. Find more information on AD user synchronisation here.
How to Remove Individual(s) from your Learners List
1. Go to the Learner tab in your dashboard.
2. Use the search and filtering options to find the learner(s) you'd like to remove from Phriendly Phishing.
3. Select the Actions dropdown of the learner you'd like to remove and select Remove.
The individual(s) is now removed from the Phriendly Phishing dashboard and will be removed from any learning path they were in.
Explore Phriendly Phishing's award-winning course catalog here!
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