In Microsoft Outlook, tracking who clicked on what within a shared inbox email is not straightforward, as Outlook does not provide detailed tracking information for interactions within an email, like link clicks, by different users. This limitation is primarily due to privacy concerns and the technical nature of email tracking.
However, there are some strategies and best practices that can be employed to manage and monitor activities in a shared inbox:
Email tracking tools
Some third-party email tracking tools can provide insights into who opened an email and clicked on links. However, they might not differentiate between different users in a shared inbox. If you use the Microsoft Exchange Centre, you can use a new feature called ‘Message Trace’ however your users will also need to have their own identity in addition to the shared inbox.
Educational and training measures
Since monitoring at a detailed level is challenging, focusing on educating team members about the proper use of the shared inbox is beneficial. Training can include:
Security awareness: Schedule regular training sessions or set up a learning journey with your smart groups. This can emphasise the risks associated with actioning external emails, instilling a culture of cyber security in the organisation and ensuring each employee knows how and when to report suspicious activity, whether it be an email or other security breach.
Internal policies and protocols: Establish clear policies and protocols for using the shared inbox. This can include guidelines on how to handle emails, especially those containing links or attachments. Ideally, you’ll have a policy for no personal or subscription signups using the email so suspicious emails should be easy to spot regardless.
Regular audits and reviews: Periodically review the shared inbox for unusual activities. Regular audits can help in identifying any suspicious behaviours. Ensure the inbox is clean and delete older or actioned emails regularly.
Use of shared mailbox features: Some shared mailbox features, like assigning emails to specific team members using tags, and the send features for accountability (Send on Behalf, Send As), can help track who is dealing with what email, though it doesn’t track specific actions like link clicks.
In summary, while it's not possible to directly track who clicked what in a shared inbox email in Outlook, implementing a combination of third-party tools, educational measures, and internal protocols can help mitigate risks and manage the shared inbox effectively.
Phriendly Phishing Platform Tips:
- If your learners are using shared inboxes, the Click Report, filtered by time, may help determine who was behind a Phriendly Phishing simulation email.
- The learner should know if they clicked onto the phishing simulation as they will receive the micro lesson pop-up immediately after.
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