To edit the Impact Report go to your settings cog in the top right-hand corner of your Dashboard.
1. Go to the Settings cog located in the top right-hand corner of your dashboard.
2. Select the Impact Report tab.
3. Ensure the Impact Report tab is enabled.
You will now be able to configure the Impact Report Settings
4. Select the Unit type from the drop-down menu.
*The default measurement value will be set from your browser settings but can be changed by selecting a new unit of measurement
5. Configure the report and select Update.
Set the criteria by completing the columns:
Enable? - Turns on the Action to be included in the report results
Rename Action - This allows you to change the name of the Action
Gain/Loss - Indicates if the Action is a Gain (positive) or Loss (negative)
Unit Value - The numerical value assigned to the Action specified
*Please note the default values are recommended guidelines based on cyber industry research and the default currency will be pulled from your browser settings.
How to view the Impact Report
Once you have configured the Impact Report, you can view the results by clicking on Impact Report, located within the Dashboard drop-down menu.
*This report will only appear if you have enabled and configured the Impact Report in your account.
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