Learners Activities shows an individual’s Phriendly Phishing learning path activity. It shows what type of email service was sent (baseline, phishing or course name, time and day email was sent and the action taken by the learner).
This article answers below questions:
- How to Access Learners Activities
- What information can Phriendly Phishing Admins find in Learners Activities
How to Access Learners Activities
1. Go to tab on the left hand side of the dashboard.
2. Search for the learner using their first name, last name, or email address.
3. Once search results appears, click on the learner's email address.
4. An activity summary page of the learner will then appear
What information can Phriendly Phishing Admins find in Learners Activities
1. Under Activities Summary, there are 3 widgets
= Number of times the learner Opened a Phriendly Phishing simulation email
= Number of times the learner Clicked a Phriendly Phishing simulation email
= Number of assigned courses the learner have Passed
2. There are 2 tabs in this section,
Activities Log - Under this tab, Admins can Download a CSV file of the learners activities. This tab also shows below information which includes any Phriendly Phishing emails
Learning Path Activities - This tab shows all the blocks in Learning Path that the Learner has been enrolled to (this includes both Phishing Simulations and Training blocks). Note: Action refers to action of the block that the learner was enrolled to. ✓ icon means the block has ended.
Below screenshot means, the Learner was enrolled to the 6th block of the course What is Cyber Security, via Learning Journey.
Any questions, please contact Phriendly Phishing Support.
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