See what you missed from our Customer Webinar (Using Email Templates to Elevate your Phishing Simulation Training) on 29 March 2023 with Shannon Pinney, Manager, Customer Success and Support.
Featuring our Special Guests: Benji Zorella, eLearning Specialist & Seth Saunders, Sales Engineer.
Download a copy of the presentation deck
Thank you for the Questions Asked during the webinar!
Editing the Email Template
Q: How about a feature to easily create a template from a real phishing email.
If you download the email file, you can drag and drop it into the Email Editor. Here is more information on how to do this. We are looking to automate this from your inbox in future feature developments.
Q: Are the merge fields like STUDENTNAME available in a section somewhere?
Yes, this is available in the Personalise section, and lots more variables to use.
Q: Would it be possible to have a variable 'another random learner name' from the same zone?
Not currently, but we feel this would be very effective. We are looking to improve the variables and have included this request in future developments.
Q: When choosing the unpublish button, does that mean the email will be removed from the user's inboxes?
No, the email will not be removed if it has already been used in a phishing simulation campaign. The unpublish button will remove the email from future campaigns that are scheduled as it will remove the template.
Q: If 4 Micro Courses are selected, does the user see all 4 Micro Courses or just one random from selected?
Yes, they will see all four.
Email Template Library
Q: Is there a repository of user-created Phishing Templates, where we can upload custom-made templates and browse other companies' custom templates we may want to use?
Currently, this is unavailable and we understand the value and will consider it for future development.
Q: In the branded phishing email template, sometimes there is the use of well known Company Logo. Will the use of logo of another company in simulated phishing attacks open us up to lawsuits for trademark and copyright infringement?
The use of logos and brands is for educational purposes. Please direct any queries to your Customer Success Manager.
Q: What are your thoughts on uploading genuine emails to create an Email Template?
Very effective. We recommend using email templates that are coming through your Phish reporter and changing them to remove malicious content and links. You can modify and change URLs using the Email Editor.
Q: Is there a plan to add more Base domains in the future?
Yes, we will be adding more base domains. We are working through the technical process to minimise customer impact and ensure it is fit for scale. Coming soon...
Q: Do you recommend using our company's internal domains to phish staff?
Not for phishing emails. We recommend using your company domains for Training email templates only.
We do not recommend using internal domains for phishing simulation or spear phishing. We aim to empower learners and build trust, so this is counterproductive when used in phishing. We encourage spoofing our domains to include company information and strongly recommend against using your internal domains
Any other assistance needed, please reach out to
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